How to get the logs from ControlSuite
Below is the location of the logs during the installation and configuration phase:
- Install assistant:[where install assistant has been extracted to]\Logs
- Configuration assistant: C:\ProgramData\Nuance\ControlSuite\Logs
- Licensing: C:\ProgramData\Nuance\NDI\Licensing
- ControlSuite shared services: c:\programdata\nuance\"shared services folders"\logs *enable in the \settings folders, lower case letters!
Below is the location of the logs for each component in ControlSuite
- Autostore 8: C:\Program Files\Nuance\AutoStore\Log
Ricoh DRS install logs: C:\Program Files\Nuance\Device Registration Service\Service\Plugins\RXOP-SOP\CLITools\logs + in DRS installation folder\logs
- Equitrac 6: Enter this url in a browser on the server: https://localhost/EQWebClient
Go to: Diagnostics > Trace Settings
Under Trace Settings: Clear File Contents
Under Trace Settings: Edit Trace File Settings
Set to: Custom w. Journaling and Immediate Flush
Re-create the issue
Under Trace Settings: Download Logs
Under Trace Settings > Edit Trace File Settings: Set to Standard
- Output Manager:
Start a support ticket
Are things still not working? Head over to our Support Portal and create a ticket. In case of emergency call us at +46 (0)317481702
Make sure that you have an active maintenance agreement for your solution!
Tags: Logs, ControlSuite, CS, Install assistant, Configuration assistant, Licensing, Shared Services, Equitrac 6, Autostore 8, Output Manager
Joakim Johansson